Schools across the nation use FirstResponder®
Our products efficiently sterilize spaces of all sizes, so you can feel safe knowing that both surface and airborne pathogens will be eliminated.
Shop NowHow you can use FirstResponder®

FirstResponder® products are built to handle big cleanup jobs using the power of ozone and UV light. We provide all the disinfecting power you love without harmful chemicals or residue.

We are dedicated to saving you both time and energy, and that starts by using our patented, high quality sterilizers. Disinfect a classroom in minutes using our UV-C technology.

Locker Rooms
Our germicidal sprayers eliminate pathogens on floors, locker rooms, playgrounds, tabletops, walls, and sporting equipment in seconds, providing peace of mind in the ongoing pandemic.
Shop our products for schools

SteriZAP® UV-C Ceiling Air Sterilizer (2'x2')
Proven effective at disinfecting rooms up to 500 square feet per unit.

FirstResponder® Sterilizer
Generates ozone gas/ions which eliminates both harmful and contaminants and unpleasant odors.

FirstResponder® UV-C Room Sterilizer ST
Adjustable arms with four lamps rotate and expose the entire room to UV-C light.