Arrive at the scene 99.99% clean
Our solutions provide an effective method to sterilize EMS vehicles, fire stations, or any space that requires sterilization.The patented technology behind FirstResponder® products eliminates up to 99.99% of hundreds of common pathogens including influenza, MRSA, and coronaviruses.
Shop NowHow you can use FirstResponder®

Our products are built to handle big cleanup jobs using the power of ozone and UV light, so you can protect staff and passengers from viruses and bacteria lurking in your ambulance.

Fire Stations
We are dedicated to saving you both time and energy, and that starts by using our patented, high quality sterilizers. Dsinfect your fire station in minutes using FirstResponder® technology.

Fire Engines
Using ozone gas ions, FirstResponder® Sterilizers effectively disinfect vehicles in under an hour. Our patented scrubbing technology removes remaining ozone by quickly converting it back to oxygen.
Shop our products for emergency responders

SteriZAP® Electrostatic Backpack Sprayer
Generates charged particles that efficiently adhere to surfaces and objects.

FirstResponder® Sterilizer
Generates ozone gas/ions which eliminates both harmful and contaminants and unpleasant odors.

FirstResponder® UV-C Room Sterilizer ST
Adjustable arms with four lamps rotate and expose the entire room to UV-C light.